The 3 YOU's That Live Inside You
Which version you want to listen to (and what to do about the other two)
Getting to know who you really are underneath all the emotional rubble is like hosting a dinner party where every person has a different dietary restriction.
On today’s dinner party menu is…
A rapid-fire, instinct-strengthening process that's going to teach you how to find answers you can trust without leaving your own thoughts.
As you swan dive into all this ooey-gooey YOU-shaped work with your personality + belief system, I want to make sure that you're looking for answers in the right place because chances are you're getting a lot of mixed messages... and I know why.
Let me 'splain.
You have three YOU's jockeying for position in your head right now.
ONE you were born with (THE VISIONARY part of you)... and two you've created over time (THE VILLAIN + VICTIM parts of you).
This is the case for all of us! There are no exceptions. No exempt unicorns. We all have these three parts of our identity.
And here's the kicker: they make ALL the difference in us thinking something... vs. believing something... vs. knowing something... because it all comes down to who you ask.
In other words, which YOU are you tapping into when you're looking for answers? You might be asking the wrong part of you and don’t even realize it.
Finding yourself is going to come down to understanding how much perspective matters.
If you think something, you don't neccesarily know it to be certain, therefore it's easy to be convinced out of it, right?
If you believe something, you still don't know it to be certain, leaving you open to being challenged + changed by non-believers.
If you know something, you have proof and it's flat out impossible to dispute.
Right now, you're walking around thinking + believing all kinds of BS about who you are (or have to be) because you've been listening to one, if not both, of the YOU's you've created over time rather than the YOU that you were born with, who KNOWS with total certainty who you are and therefore what's right + wrong for YOU.
Are you pick in’ up what I’m throwin’ down?
It’s instinct vs. inner monologue!
So who are these three YOU's you're working with?
The Villain YOU is the judgmental part of YOU — it’s your internal black cloud.
✅ This YOU wants to keep you from changing + growing, so it tries very hard to get you to think + believe things that keep you comfortable being stuck and unhappy
✅ This YOU is the one who will tell you that every idea you have is stupid
✅ This is the YOU who tries hard to control what you think + believe you're capable of
✅ This is the YOU whose soul goal is to hijack your happiness
When you learn to recognize this YOU, you’ll realize how much shit it pulls on you to hold you back.
The Victim YOU is the hurt part of YOU — it’s the shame you desperately wish didn’t exist.
✅ This YOU wants to keep you small, scared, and in a place of shame, so it relentlessly reminds you of how inadequate + incapable you can be
✅ This YOU is the one who will tell you everyone hates you + nothing you do is right
✅ This is the YOU who tries hard to define you by the mistakes, trauma, and pain in your life
When you learn to recognize this YOU, you’ll realize how much “pot stirring” it does to keep you feeling trapped in your circumstances.
The Visionary YOU is the immovable part of YOU — it’s the identity you were gifted with.
✅ This YOU wants to keep you in your "zone of genius", so it tries very hard to get you to listen to your gut above others
✅ This YOU is the one who will tell you THE TRUTH + nothing but
✅ This is the YOU who can detect + deflect everyone else's BS (including your other YOU's) out of your thought process
✅ This is the YOU that’s truly got your best interests at hand — that’s why it’s got such fancy alert systems built into it
When you learn to recognize this YOU, you’ll realize that it knows exactly who you are and what you’re meant to do.
Understanding the difference between these parts of YOU will help you operate from a place of knowing what’s truth vs. tale for YOU.
A lot of what you think + believe about who you are actually heavy burdens you're holding on to for people who told you that YOU weren’t enough.
Over time, you created new versions of yourSELF to be able to carry the weight of these burdens, and that’s how your Villain + Victim were born and bred into warts on the surface of your personality + belief system.
The healing we’re going to do in this edition of The Hot Dog Cart is to reconcile what you think + believe... with what you know for damn sure!
So repeat after me...
I solemnly swear that from this day forward, I will only operate as my Visionary SELF + I will not let my Villain or Victim SELF trick me into thinking, believing, or behaving otherwise.
An instinct-strengthening exercise to dive GUT-FIRST into who you are.
STEP ONE: Choose one SHADE OF YOUR PERSONALITY (a.k.a. your brand archetypes). It doesn't matter if it's your dominant or your splash — you’ll repeat this exercise for the other.
If you’re not sure what your two shades of personality are, take my Brand DNA Testᵀᴹ. My results have been known to cause major AHA’s!
If you already know your two shades, find + open your Brand Personality Dossier linked below.
These dossiers are fully stocked with the ins + outs of each shade of personality to help you channel your Visionary YOU, so PLEASE feel free to use them for reference.
The 12 Shades of Personality
🎨 Creator
🏖️ Explorer
🏆 Hero
🌈 Innocent
🥰 Lover
✨ Magician
☠ Outlaw
💰 Royal
🧠 Sage
STEP TWO: Choose 10 personality traits and/or beliefs from your dossier that you couldn't deny with a straight face if you tried.
Remember to ask your Visionary YOU, that's who knows what they're talking about.
STEP THREE: Set a timer for 30 seconds.
Using nothing but your gut (a.k.a. the Visionary YOU), choose the THREE traits and/or beliefs that are least important to you on your list, and cross them out.
STEP FOUR: Set a timer for 20 seconds.
You're going to do the same thing, only this time, cross off the next TWO traits and/or beliefs that are least important to you.
STEP FIVE: Set the timer for 20 seconds, one more time.
Cross out the next TWO traits and/or beliefs that are least important to you.
When you’re finished, you should now have 3 traits and/or beliefs left that you know personify WHO YOU ARE.
But how do you know?
STEP SIX: Set a timer for 5 minutes.
Reflect on + jot down all the ways that the first trait or belief left on your list shows up for you in real life — whether that's at home with the family or out in the wilds of the internet.
When it comes to my Outlaw side:
☠️ I can be VERY polarizing in the ways I say things and the beliefs I have
☠️ I curse (GASP!)
☠️ I don't conform to most norms (it's not even possible, I've tried)
☠️ I've always had problems with authority + imbalanced power dynamics
☠️ I'll go toe-to-toe with people in power (if an injustice has been done to myself or my loved ones)
☠️ I love to break the rules and prove they weren't rules in the first fucking place
When it comes to my Entertainer side:
😂 I'm fluent in sarcasm
😂 I’m rarely politically correct
😂 I’m super self-deprecating
😂 I'll do just about anything to make someone laugh, even if it's at my expense
😂 I love saying naughty shit that pisses my haters off
😂 I've got a black belt in witty comebacks
When it comes to my Next Door side:
🎡 I'm so real it hurts sometimes
🎡 I'm unimpressed by material wealth + vanity metrics
🎡 I want everyone to feel welcome + accepted when they're around me
🎡 I'm shamelessly basic
🎡 I have a knack for disseminating complex concepts into shit people can actually understand
🎡 I'm a connector for my kindreds
STEP SEVEN: Set a timer for 5 mins.
For each of the “reflections” you’ve jotted down, not what that triggers in your Villain + Victim YOU’s.
🧬 I curse (GASP!) — My Villain — You can't curse; no one will hire you! Get your shit together already; it's time to be a professional adult.
🧬 Super self-deprecating — My Victim — You can't be self-deprecating; people won't take you seriously. They're going to think you're a joke.
🧬 Problems with authority + uneven power dynamics — My Victim — Stop being so difficult. If you come after the gurus you're committing entrepreneurial suicide.
🧬 So real it hurts sometimes — My Villain — NO ONE wants to hear about your messy baggage; lie if you have to, but don't let people see what a nightmare you really are.
🧬 Saying naughty shit that pisses off my haters — My Villain — WHY do you always need to ruffle feathers. Just be normal. Be likable. You're never going to get anywhere acting like that.
STEP EIGHT: Rinse + repeat this process for your 2nd shade of personality (a.k.a. archetype).
Finding + being yourself is not easy but it's absolutely THIS straight forward.
I pinky promise that this kind of YOU-shaped reconciliation is how you start healing from all the indoctrination that made you create these two damaging, deceitful, unneeded versions of YOU.
IF you do nothing but focus on living + breathing these three traits or beliefs out loud when it comes to your life + business, the rest will fall into place in time.
These 3 things are YOU… the real YOU, not one of the made up versions you created to fit in the boxes provided… but the YOU that you were meant to be when you took your first breath.
How can YOU live them out loud more?
How can YOU honor them in your content more?
How can YOU lean into them in your images... headlines... and newsletter more?
YOU are at the center of every single one of those hot dog cart aspirations you’re holding on to… so it matters what “YOU” you’re operating from.
Live this YOU-shaped healing process out loud! It’s part of your WHY.
Share your revelations of self discovery with your kindreds because that's the ooey-gooey shit that's going to make your them stop, drop, and realize you see them + understand them in a way no one else does!
They don't care about the how-to... they care about the WHY YOU!
I DOUBLE-DAWG DARE YOU to share some of what’s bubbling up inside you right now. What’s the craziest lie your Villain or Victim has told you about WHO YOU HAVE TO BE to make your idea of success a reality?
If you had to trace this lie back to it's origin, where do you think it came from?
Tell us + anyone else who’ll listen about this lie because the more you let it breathe outside of your head, the better you’re going to understand it.
I find that tracing shit back to when, where, and even who I picked up a lie from helps me see it for the BS it is, in record time.
To finding + being the Visionary that you were born to be (weaknesses, hangups, weird shit, and at all),
Dre ‘GUT-FIRST Beltrami’ Beltrami
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The Hot Dog Cart is hosted on a gloriously human platform called Substack that has its own app + built-in social community. I highly recommend downloading the app — It’s ads-free, creator-friendly, & human AF. It’s the top shelf of safe places!
After you subscribe, I’ll drop new editions in your inbox every Tuesday morning.
Plus, if you love a good binge, you can read all my past editions right here.
Oh, wow. I know for certain why you and I are kindred.
WHY I get you...what you MEAN, regardless of what you say...
When you listed the Outlaw and Girl Next Door lists, mine we the same.
Exact same.
Well,....I'm the GUY next door, but ya know,...DUH.
Always wonder why we couldn't have met 10-15 years ago?
OR zoomed before last Wednesday [laughing].
So happy to have what we have now...
Love you tons.
Dre, this is the freaking best!! I’m going to work on mine today 😁