Recommended by Dre Beltrami
Marcy's brain child is like a piñata of kindreds. I've put together more rewarding collabs with people who I genuinely enjoy through her posts + communities than I have anywhere else on the internet.
There's so much to learn about healing and there's NO ONE I enjoy learning about the human experience from more than Kristie. Her + her way of teaching about the root-causes of our pain has been a huge source of light in my personal journey.
I have been asking the Universe for someone who can help me make sense of all the financial baggage I've been carrying around, and help me create a family planning system... and BOOM... Becky hopscotched into my life. Finally, a solopreneur + single-mom who gets MY financial circumstances + goals.
Andrea is hilarious! She's literally become an addiction! I'm convinced she rummages through my thoughts when I'm sleeping (or snacking), or maybe we're just kindred spirits.
Anna is who I get my joy-fix from every week! There's nothing I need more right now than the happiness-laced thoughts, ideas, and rants of another brilliant + busy mom who's finding herself + living the process out loud for all of us to learn from.
Anne Marie is LIFTing my healing vibes with her hilarious stories of resilience + strength. She's one of those women whose writing makes you feel like you're a little more badass after reading it - who doesn't want more of THAT in their anti-capitalist life?!
Jaime's stories, classes, and illustrations need to be in every school. homeschool group, library, and home. Do your family a favor + take a field trip to the safest world of wonder you've ever seen. This guy's heart of gold is like nothing I've ever seen in an author.
It's so rare that you find someone willing to be so real they live their natural-born contradictions out loud. Claire makes me want to be more of my "Zombies + Butterflies" SELF. Can we all just be the complex, ooey-gooey humans we are... like she is??